La Xara is a young town, with just over two-hundred years of history. Its evolution starts as a stable population at the beginning of the XIX century, when a farmer from Senija, Mateo Ivars i Peiró, is going to establish, donating the family to the population, increased in a period of 50 years with the Continued vinguda of people from localities of the region, such as Pedreguer, Xàbia, Alcalalí or El Verger.

This rapid development is over a period of more than favorable agricultural conditions, the occupation of the population with stonecutters and workers. The stability and the growth of a population dedicated almost exclusively to the treball de la pedra is not possible to understand if it does not stand out in the economic dynamics of the period: the commerce of the pansa. The fruitful negotiation of the pansa will permetre fer diners with ease and accumulate-ho, not only to Dénia, a city by definition, but also to other localities of the region, with the economic growth is going to palesar in the construction of a great name of building, the quasi always is to follow the trepidation of the groups of stonecutters of the Xara. A demonstration of the good economic moment in that period is the construction, between 1876 and 1902, of the church and the abbey house, houses and buildings for the mateixa població.

Just after the general crisis of the pansa, cap al 1902, the món dels picapedrers will kick back, which is to translate into a migratory movement cap als Estats Units or l’Argentina or cap a Alger. This crisis will also provoke the canvi of the cultius of dry pels of regadiu, replacing the ceps for the short and the tarongers, more profitable and productive in those moments.